What is open access?

Open access makes published academic research freely and permanently available so anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research. At Jandoo Press we champion researcher choice with a variety of open access publishing options to meet the unique needs of each author.

How can open access help you?

  • Increase the discoverability and use of your research
  • Make an impact beyond the academy, reaching policymakers, practitioners and professionals in your field
  • Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  • Comply with funder mandates

Why publish open access with Jandoo press?

Publishing open access with Jandoo Press offers researchers many benefits including:

  • A wide choice of high-quality journals maximizing your reach within and beyond your field
  • High visibility and discoverability of your work via Jandoo press website
  • Rigorous peer review for every open access article
  • Rapid online publication allowing you to share your work quickly
  • Global marketing and publicity, ensuring your article reaches the people you want it to
  • Expert editorial boards
  • Retention of full copyright of your article through unrestrictive publishing agreements

Open access publishing options

Jandoo Press offers a variety of publishing options to ensure your research is available without restriction, reaching the right audience for maximized discoverability and impact.

Fully open access journals and platforms

Explore Jandoo Press full open access journals and platforms, where every new article is published gold open access.