Research article

Identification and Optimization of Attractive Territorial Spaces in Gansu Province Based on the Supply-Demand Ratio of Ecosystem Services


High-quality Attractive Territorial Spaces (ATS) are key to enhancing national territorial space quality. This study proposes a systematic framework for identifying and optimizing ATS, integrating ecosystem service (ES) supply-demand analysis, driving factor detection, ATS identification, landscape pattern analysis, and optimization strategies. Key findings include: (1) Significant spatial imbalances in ES supply-demand in Gansu Province, with the west as a vital water source and carbon sink and the east excelling in cultural services. (2) NDVI and population are primary factors driving ES spatial differences, influencing carbon sequestration, recreation, and aesthetic landscapes. (3) Urban and ecological spaces exhibit fragmentation, while agricultural spaces lack diversity and connectivity. The Attractiveness Territorial Index (ATI) aligns with Gansu’s spatial planning, providing targeted strategies to improve territorial space value and quality while protecting attractiveness elements.


Attractive Territorial Spaces
Ecosystem Service Supply-Demand Ratio
Geographic Detector
Landscape Pattern Analysis
Strategy Matrix for Attractive Territorial Spaces

Author’s information

Yaqi Wang
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China

Corresponding author Email:
Yaqi Wang

About the article

Yaqi Wang. (2025). Identification and Optimization of Attractive Territorial Spaces in Gansu Province Based on the Supply-Demand Ratio of Ecosystem Services. Journal of Global Trends in Social Science, 2(1), 13-34. DOI:

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