Research article

Narrative Features of Planting Design


The narrative character of planting design is the fun of landscapes, telling stories and morals in a unique way in planning. When the landscape stimulates our multiple senses, it even has a great impact on our behavior, our views, and our psychological perception of the world. The way of landscaping tells stories or conveys ideas from four planting design angles, including the symbolic meanings of plants, dynamic storytelling, philosophical design and contrast with Eden. It reflects the importance of a successful landscape and public values, and enhance the interaction with public emotion. This paper provides a detailed exposition of methods and specific scenarios for creating narrative landscapes through the use of plants, drawing on examples from classical gardens in various countries, including Europe, England, and China. This study aims to organize and summarize the cultural symbols present in planting design, clarify the expressive techniques of narrative landscapes through plant design, and provide theoretical insights for interpreting and understanding classical gardens, as well as practical support for future landscape design endeavors.


narrative feature
planting design
landscape architecture

Author’s information

Manqing Yao
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Corresponding author Email:
Manqing Yao

About the article

Manqing Yao. (2025). Narrative Features of Planting Design. Journal of Global Trends in Social Science, 2(1), 35-44. DOI:

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