Research article

Study on the Social Issues of the “Ancestral TempleRevival” in China


In recent years, the revival of ancestral halls has been rapidly gaining momentum across various regions in China. This paper takes the eastern region of Hubei Province as a case study and, based on extensive fieldwork, investigates the main reasons behind the accelerated revival of ancestral halls in contemporary China and the social issues concealed behind this phenomenon. The key issues identified include: (1) the serious tendency for excessive comparison in the construction of ancestral halls and the negative impact this has on social values; (2) the deep penetration of grassroots administrative power into the construction of ancestral halls and the potential corruption problems arising from this involvement; (3) the compulsory fundraising for ancestral hall construction and the heavy economic burden it places on the impoverished rural population; in addition, the challenges related to the transformation of the shared nature of existing ancestral halls, the vulgarization of aesthetics in newly built ancestral halls, and the current divergence between the revival of ancestral halls and the mainstream national values. Finally, the paper offers recommendations on these issues, aimed at actively responding to the current exploration and practice of rural revitalization in China, particularly the goal of “inheriting, developing, and enhancing agricultural civilization, and promoting the prosperity of rural culture.”


Ancestral halls
Eastern Hubei
Rural areas

Author’s information

Ran Peng
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Yanru Zhu
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Corresponding author Email:
Ran Peng

About the article

Ran Peng & Yanru Zhu. (2025). Study on the Social Issues of the “Ancestral TempleRevival” in China. Journal of Global Trends in Social Science, 2(1), 1-12. DOI:

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The Author(s). Published by Jandoo Press.