Research article

Catering and Distortion: The Construction of the “Republic of China” Concept in Cultural and Museum Venues under the Influence of Consumerism


This paper focuses on the negative impacts of consumerism and market orientation on the construction of the Republic of China exhibition area within cultural and museum venues. Taking the Republic of China Pavilion in Nanjing Museum as a prime example, it delves into the phenomena of distortion and alienation of the “Republic of China” concept in this context, along with their root causes, adverse effects, and explores the paths for cultural and museum venues to strike a balance between commercial interests and cultural inheritance. It thereby provides theoretical and practical references for the healthy development of the cultural and museum sector and the accurate dissemination of historical culture.


Republic of China
Cultural and Museum Venues
Historical and Cultural Inheritance
Impact on Public Cognition

Author’s information

Mingyang Shen
College Of Humanity, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, PR China

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About the article

Mingyang Shen. (2024). Catering and Distortion: The Construction of the “Republic of China” Concept in Cultural and Museum Venues under the Influence of Consumerism. Journal of Global Trends in Social Science, 1(1). DOI:

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