Research article

A study of the relationship between college students’ happiness and individual characteristics


This study focuses on differences in college students’ well-being and its individual characteristics influenced by gender and age, as well as exploring the effects of a classroom intervention based on positive emotions and creativity. The study assessed 332 university students, using the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) as assessment tools. The results of the study showed that gender and age did not show significant differences in perceived happiness, but the positive emotion intervention programme achieved significant results, with a significant increase in subjective well-being in the experimental group of students compared to the control group. In addition, happiness is positively related to academic success, which helps college students cope with life stress and positively affects personal health, social well-being, and quality of life. Given the importance of positive emotions and their many benefits for university students, we recommend incorporating these interventions into university programmes to better prepare students for their future working lives. 


Positive Emotions

Author’s information

Yundong Wu
Dongshin University, Naju, South Korea

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About the article

Yundong Wu. (2024). A study of the relationship between college students’ happiness and individual characteristics. Journal of Global Trends in Social Science, 1(1). DOI:

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