The Journal of Global Trends in Social Science (JGTSS) is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. To achieve this, JGTSS participates in trusted digital archiving programs that safeguard the integrity and availability of the journal’s scholarly content.

Archiving Programs

  1. CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
    • All JGTSS content is preserved in the CLOCKSS Archive, which ensures that the material will remain freely available in the event the journal is no longer published. CLOCKSS provides a distributed network of libraries worldwide to guarantee secure and perpetual access.
    • Learn more:
  2. LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
    • JGTSS content is also archived in LOCKSS, an open-source initiative that enables libraries to preserve digital content by regularly collecting and validating copies of the journal’s content.
    • Learn more:

Permanent Access

These archiving programs ensure that all articles published in JGTSS will remain accessible, even in the unlikely event that the journal ceases publication. Both systems provide redundancy and security by storing copies of the journal’s content in geographically dispersed locations.