Research article

Non-Actional Politics and Religion: On the Possibility of a New Political and Religious Relationship


Freedom, equality and justice are core categories of mutual conditions in the construction of contemporary political and religious orders. Different understanding and application of the three directly lead to conflicts between countries and religions. “non-action” integrates these basic ideas in a weakly regulated way, bringing the order foundation of politics and religion into a state of harmony, and giving politics and religion non-actional characteristics by analogy. Specifically, the non-actional politics and religion are freedom, which also are spontaneous order, inclusive and virtuous. Therefore, it creates the openness, pluralism and mutual communication of contemporary politics and religion, and makes people and gods systematically related to this world. As a result, the non-actional politics and religion establish a political and religious order based on sacredness, which has freedom, equality and relative justice.



Author’s information

Congcong Bi
Sichuan Normal University

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About the article

Congcong Bi. (2025). Non-Actional Politics and Religion: On the Possibility of a New Political and Religious Relationship. Chinese Study Monthly, 1(1). DOI:

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The Author(s). Published by Jandoo Press.