The Journal of Global Trends in Social Science (JGTSS) supports the principles of open access and encourages authors to make their work widely available by depositing their articles in institutional and subject-based repositories. Our repository policy applies to all versions of a manuscript, as detailed below.
Version Definitions
- Submitted Version
- The version of the manuscript originally submitted to JGTSS for peer review (preprint).
- Policy: Authors are permitted to deposit the submitted version in repositories or preprint servers at any time. No embargo applies. Authors must include a statement that the manuscript has been submitted to JGTSS and provide the DOI once the final version is published.
- Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript, AAM)
- The version of the manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication but has not been copyedited or formatted by JGTSS.
- Policy: Authors may deposit the accepted version in institutional or funder repositories after publication. Authors must include the following:
- A statement indicating that the manuscript has been accepted for publication JGTSS.
- The DOI link to the final published version.
- Published Version (Version of Record, VoR)
- The final, copyedited, and formatted version of the article as published by JGTSS.
- Policy: Authors may deposit the published version (PDF) in repositories immediately upon publication. The article must include proper citation to JGTSS and a link to the article DOI provided by CrossRef.
DOI and Attribution
Each published article is assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) by CrossRef, ensuring permanent access and citation. Authors must always link to the DOI when depositing the accepted or published versions of their articles in repositories.
Compliance with Open Access Mandates
This repository policy complies with funder and institutional mandates for open access, ensuring that authors can fulfill requirements to deposit their work while maintaining the integrity of the publication process.